Wij worden blij als jij blij bent! Dit zeggen anderen over Praktijk Welzijn:



Brieven van aanbeveling voor de certificering van de emotion code.

Hijken, 15 April 2020

Josephine and I have been friends for 5 years or so. We share many of the same interests and our love for our horses.

A few key words to describe her.

Good listening ear, attention to the person. Critical but not judgmental, outspoken, easy talker. Open-minded, curious, fun person to be with, always in for fun activities!

Negative; sometimes too critical; sometimes have trouble making choices.


Alkmaar, 10 April 2020

Josephine puts you at ease, tunes in to your energy and works professionally from there. By being convinced of the method, the other person can surrender in his vulnerability. Josephine has the space to let you be who you are and to look clearly at where the possible disturbance is. Josephine uses her humor to make it a lighthearted consultation. Since 1998 we have been colleagues and friends from the academy of natural medicine where we graduated together as classical homeopaths.


Emotionele & Energetische wellness

Kom in balans en word weer blij door emotionele genezing.

Het lichaam als samenwerkend systeem

Balans in organen, klieren, lichaamssystemen, chacras en meridianen.

elimineer toxines

Zwaar metalen, vrije radicalen, chemicaliën, EMF-straling en tal van andere gifstoffen die de balans van je lichaam verstoren.


Vind schimmels, bacteriën, virussen, of parasitaire indringers die je lichaam van binnenuit beschadigen.


Correctie van het skelet en bindweefsel.

Voeding en levensstijl

Voedingsstoffen en leefgewoonten waar je lichaam naar verlangt integreren.



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